This package provides a python framework to build on top of Answer Set Programming tools using the Zope Component Architecture.


$ pip install pyzcasp


In [1]: from pyzcasp import potassco
In [2]: clingo = potassco.Clingo("clingo") # path to clingo binary
In [3]: answers ="{a(1..k)}.",
   ...:                      grounder_args=["-c k=2"], solver_args=["-n0"])
In [4]: for ans in answers:
   ...:     print [(str(t), t.pred, t.arg(0)) for t in ans]
[('a(2)', u'a', 2)]
[('a(1)', u'a', 1)]
[('a(1)', u'a', 1), ('a(2)', u'a', 2)]

Check out more interesting examples use cases.

Currently pyzcasp supports the usage of most common tools from Potassco:

The corresponding binaries for each tool must be installed manually.

Additional features include:

Run doctests using:

    $ nosetests --with-doctest --doctest-extension=rst --doctest-fixtures=_fixt --doctest-options='+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE,+ELLIPSIS' --with-coverage --cover-package pyzcasp.asp --cover-package pyzcasp.potassco
    Name                          Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
    pyzcasp.asp                      12      0   100%
    pyzcasp.asp.adapters             58      0   100%
    pyzcasp.asp.impl                 91      1    99%   150
    pyzcasp.asp.interfaces           62      0   100%
    pyzcasp.asp.utilities            74     19    74%   36-59, 65
    pyzcasp.potassco                 30      0   100%
    pyzcasp.potassco.adapters        42      0   100%
    pyzcasp.potassco.impl             0      0   100%
    pyzcasp.potassco.interfaces      24      0   100%
    pyzcasp.potassco.utilities      117     12    90%   45-57, 188, 194
    TOTAL                           510     32    94%
    Ran 14 tests in 0.342s
